Is it competitive? Are people racing ?
- No – this not a multi-day race. It is truly about exploring a new area on foot, savoring local food, enjoying spectacular views, and having fun with fellow runners!
13 miles a day! Can I really do it?
- Absolutely! First, you’re running at your own pace – it’s no race. Stop to smell the flowers (literally), take pictures, or sit on a grassy patch and admire the view. Take your time; the point is to enjoy your surroundings. Also, most of the runs have a spot midway through for a break—like eating at a local farmer’s market or having a piece of pie—so you can think of it more like two five or six mile runs with fun and food in between! If you’re still concerned though, please do reach out to us and we’ll be happy to chat about it.
Only 13 miles a day? Can I do more?
- Let’s chat. There are definitely ways to tailor the runs for more mileage if that’s what you’re looking for!
Can I go on different dates?
- Let us know when – we’ll see what we can do!
A seven day trip doesn’t fit with my schedule – are there trips with fewer days?
- Let us know how many days you’re interested in and we’ll be happy to try and accommodate.
What happens if there’s a day where I decide I need to rest?
- We do encourage you to listen to your body. If you can’t run one day, we’ll be sure you don’t miss out on things!
How does it work if I run at a different speed than the group?
- There will be GPS units and maps so that if you’ve got an urge to go like lightning or it’s just one of days where your legs feel like lead, you can easily follow the path. Some runs may have two guides as well.
More questions?
- Just ask!